


Le Nouveau Année

Happy New Year!

The cliche, "times flies by" doesn't seem quite as cheesy when I reminisce on the memories I've made in 2012, the people I've encountered, and the things I've experienced. 2012 was truly a jam-packed year, as it provided fertile soil for many amazing, life-changing experiences occur. Several poignant occasions include Catch the Fire, spending the summer in Europe, going to Florida for Spring Break and subsequently going to Disney World for the first time, going to DC for Kony 2012: MOVE, and getting a car.

I will freely admit that this blog has taken a back seat and on some occasions, performed as the spitting place where masses of pictures agglomerate together and somehow serve a purpose. However, with a new year brings newness, change, and opportunities to bring change, I propose several things, all of which will not just be eloquent propositions, but rather goals to pursue and accomplish. 

I am not a frivolous writer. I rarely will compose a paragraph based on superfluous subjects or that are filled with arbitrary objections. I like my writing to full of purpose, intellectual vocabulary, and a sense of freshness--a new perspective that hovers over the topic of conversation. At the same time, I don't want my New Years resolutions to reflect superficial goals, such as trimming my middle (which, I admit, is one of my goals), but I desire to have something more of substance. So, at the risk of announcing my years goals:

1. I am going to read and to write more. While this is more of a discipline issue than of time management, it is simply taking 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour out of my day to simply read, relax my mind, fill my brain with fresh words, give vitality to my syntax. I want to look at my bookshelf and now that I am making progress in completing the list of novels on the bookshelf above my desk as which I glance a great majority of my time. 

2. I am going to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Not only a deeper relationship and fall deeper in love with Abba, but also develop a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

3. I am going to make dietary changes. Not as many sweets and cookies (which in my defense, I do not breathe chocolate chip cookies as I do oxygen), and more fruits and vegetables. Make more meals with variety. Change things up a bit so that I will not have to resort to eating out. 

4. Be myself. Cliche, I know, but people can go into being what people expect from you, so you stop doing what's right for you. I'm going to do my own thing that is not going to be determined by what people want, what people conjure ideas about in regards to a particular thing, and privately aspire for me to act/speak/behave. I am simply going to be me. And in being myself, there is a freedom that comes from that. 

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